Q&A with CEO Jim Prokopanko

A conversation on our progress and commitment to sustainability

Our Growth in Brazil

Supporting the production of crops through crop nutrition

Companywide Innovation

Taking the lead in market, product and industry practices

Leadership & Awards

Strengthening our transparency & commitments

Year-Over-Year Comparative Highlights

Details on 2010 through 2013 financial and non-financial performance.

Goals & Progress

An update on goals developed in 2012

Investment and Procurement Practices


Percentage and Total Number of Significant Investment Agreements That Include Human Rights Clauses

Mosaic defines “significant acquisition” to mean an investment that moved Mosaic into a position of majority ownership in another entity. All potential acquisition or investment opportunities include an evaluation of country risk. As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, Mosaic is developing explicit human rights criteria for screening any potential acquisitions. Mosaic’s commitment to Human Rights is guided by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the most widely recognized definition of human rights and the responsibilities of national governments; the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.


Percentage of Significant Suppliers and Contractors Screened on Human Rights

In 2013, 100% of Mosaic’s suppliers certified compliance with Mosaic’s Code of Supplier Business Ethics and Conduct. We seek to do business only with suppliers who operate ethically and in a manner consistent with our own standards, including treating each other with respect, promoting a safe and healthy workplace, and promoting fair employment practices. Mosaic feels a responsibility to actively engage our suppliers and contractors around issues of sustainability, and is undertaking efforts to monitor our contractors' performance and compliance with Mosaic’s safety policies through screening and audit processes.


Total Hours of Employees Trained on Policies and Procedures Concerning Aspects of Human Rights, Including Percentage of Employees Trained

All employees receive Mosaic’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which addresses Mosaic’s equal treatment rights of similarly situated employees and its intolerance to discrimination of any type. Related matters are overseen by a corporate vice president. Ultimately, Mosaic’s success as one of the world’s leading crop nutrition companies depends on sustaining a safe, supportive and respectful work environment in which all our people can fully contribute their knowledge, talents and energy. Mosaic employees receive training on a range of issues that may directly or indirectly impact human rights, including the following.

Training Hours on Business Conduct and Ethics
Course Title Time
2013 Mosaic Annual Code Certification 322 hours 20 minutes
FCPA: Part 1 – Understanding the Law 83 hours 3 minutes
Harassment in the Workplace 36 hours 42 minutes
Insider Trading 311 hours 4 minutes
Mosaic Antitrust Compliance 113 hours 52 minutes
Mosaic Code of Business Conduct & Ethics 101 hours 40 minutes
Professional Conduct 404 hours 50 minutes
Records and Information Management 550 hours 6 minutes
Short Takes: Anti-corruption: Making the Deal Happen 107 hours 7 minutes



Total Number of Incidents of Discrimination

Mosaic has had no founded incidents of discrimination for the period covered in this report. The chart below details the number of discrimination allegations from January through December 2013.

Discrimination Alleged January 2013 - December 2013 (North America only)
Type National Origin Race Wrongful Termination Gender Disability Other Closed Pending
Number of Claims 0 7 1 0 0 1 7 2

Mosaic is vigorously defending itself in the pending cases, which the Company believes are without merit.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining


Operations Identified in Which the Right to Exercise Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining may Be a Significant Risk

Mosaic does not have any operations in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collaborative bargaining are identified as a significant risk. Mosaic does not discriminate based on association, per our Commitment to Human Rights, which is guided by the UDHR, the most widely recognized definition of human rights and the responsibilities of national governments; the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.


Total Number of Operations Taking Place in or Adjacent to Indigenous People’s Territories, and Number and Percentage of Operations or Sites Where There Are Formal Agreements With Indigenous People’s Communities

Mosaic has no operations that take place directly adjacent to indigenous people’s territories. There are no Mosaic operations or sites that have formal agreements with indigenous people’s communities.

Child Labor


Operations Identified as Having Significant Risk for Incidents of Child Labor

Mosaic does not have any operations that are identified as a significant risk for child labor practices. Mosaic abides by all applicable child labor laws. In the United States and Canada we do not employ anyone under the age of 18. Mosaic complies with all statutory requirements in the locations where we operate, as well as our own employment policies, including our Commitment to Human Rights, which is guided by the UDHR, the most widely recognized definition of human rights and the responsibilities of national governments; the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Forced or Compulsory Labor


Operations Identified as Having Significant Risk for Incidents of Forced or Compulsory Labor

Mosaic does not have any operations at risk regarding forced or compulsory labor practices. Mosaic adheres to all immigration laws, as well as our global hiring and employment policies. Mosaic does not tolerate forced or compulsory labor, per our Commitment to Human Rights, which is guided by the UDHR, the most widely recognized definition of human rights and the responsibilities of national governments; the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Security Practices


Security Personnel Trained in the Organization’s Policies or Procedures Concerning Aspects of Human Rights That Are Relevant to Operations

Our corporate security is designed to protect our employees, contractors, guests and neighbors, as well as the environment. Mosaic has hired third-party security firms in many of our significant operations. We have 100% training compliance with all security personnel regarding Mosaic’s policies as they relate to the security and safety of our significant operations and the people there.

Indigenous Rights


Total Number of Incidents of Violations Involving Rights of Indigenous People

Mosaic has had no reported incidents related to violations involving rights of indigenous people for the period covered in this report.


Percent and Total Number of Operations That Have Been Subject to Human Rights Reviews and/or Impact Assessments

Although Mosaic has not conducted a formal human rights review, our Commitment to Human Rights applies to all operations. Our commitment is guided by the UDHR, the most widely recognized definition of human rights and the responsibilities of national governments; the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.


Number of Grievances Related to Human Rights Filed, Addressed and Resolved Through Formal Grievance Mechanisms

Mosaic has had no founded grievances related to human rights.